Agnes Valentine at the Runway Club…

Following hot on the heels (litteraly and no apologies for the pun!) of the Omar Mansoor show at Runway, the Dilema girls launched straight into  a second show featuring the amazing Agnes Valentine swimwear by Agnes Cushnie.

This was the second time I’d covered Agnes’ work on behalf of the Dilema Agency, the first being at the Funky Buddha club where just about everything went wrong. Nevertheless, with the lessons from that event being well and truly learned I applied myself to the full for this one.

More images after the jump… Continue reading Agnes Valentine at the Runway Club… »

Omar Mansoor Fashion Show at Runway Club

This was the last show in the Fashion Meets Music tour and the one that yielded the best images although the evening wasn’t withot a few technical hitches. Thanks are very definitely due to Ande from the Dilema Agency for all her hard work and efforts, not only thoughout the tour but especially for this event.

As one might ecpect with night clubs, the environment is dark and Runway was especially so as the next sequence of images show

Continue reading Omar Mansoor Fashion Show at Runway Club »

The Drones…

The Drones
The Drones

Had the pleasure of working with The Drones a couple of weeks ago in a really cool location. As it turns out, they wanted a set of images with a distressed look and one of the band members had access to an old outbuilding that was being done up.

I’ve wanted to work I this typeof location for a while now, particularly for a model shoot, as it has the potential to offer up some amazing images. When The Drones emailed me and suggested we use this building, I jumped at the chance. There was an added bonus too. When we made these images, it was about -3degC outside so having some shelter from the elements was very welcome.

This old building was amazing. It was in a sorry state of repair. Peeling plaster. Rubbish on the floor. Dark. Dingy. Perfect. I had total control of the light in there. It also had three/four rooms we could use too. Just the ticket for an afternoon’s photo-shoot with a cool group.

So we set to work, cue Big Mamma. I don’t get to use this light on location much owing to it’s size. 50″x50″ has a huge tendency to catch the wind and blow over which would be an expensive mistake. To be fair, in this location it may have been too big, but the quality of the light is amazing so worth a go… (see image below) Continue reading The Drones… »

Jimi McDonald, Drummer

Jimi McDonald
Jimi McDonald

In keeping with the band theme I’ve been doing recently, this was a shoot I did for Jimi McDonald in the grounds of Guildford Castle. This was also another shoot in sub-zero temperatures ad thankfully the castle offered some shelter from the elements as well as providing some really cool locations for us to use.

I wanted to makesome really great shots, different from some of the other band shots I’d done, and something really creative too. Continue reading Jimi McDonald, Drummer »

Overthrow Band…

Overthrow Band
Overthrow Band

I’ve been doing a lot of band shoots recently. Makes a nice change from photographing female models and has really helped to come up with fresh ideas and styles of image.

The first group was the Overthrow Band, depicted here. These images were made on that bitterly cold weekend just before we had our first dump of snow for the season. It was -5degC when we made these images and between shots the lads were running in rings around me, literaly, in order to keep warm. Continue reading Overthrow Band… »