Overthrow Band…

Overthrow Band
Overthrow Band

I’ve been doing a lot of band shoots recently. Makes a nice change from photographing female models and has really helped to come up with fresh ideas and styles of image.

The first group was the Overthrow Band, depicted here. These images were made on that bitterly cold weekend just before we had our first dump of snow for the season. It was -5degC when we made these images and between shots the lads were running in rings around me, literaly, in order to keep warm.

I wanted to make a variety of images so mixed it up with a few different techniques from simple natural light as in the image above to hard and gridded flash as you can see below. The backgrounds were simply a roller shutter door and a pile of tyres. No expense spared 😉

Overthrow Band
Overthrow Band

This was yet another strobist shoot and I’m absolutely sold on off-camera flash now. It really is very quick to set up and dial in the shot then simply a case of pose the subjects, pop a few frames and move on to the next set.

One lesson I did learn on this shoot though was when using gridded speedlight make sure you don’t stand in the way or you’ll cast your shadow over the image. Doh.

Overthrow Band
Overthrow Band

To produce the final images I did a very light retouch in post then partially desaturated them. This muted the colour pallete which added to the overall look and feel, particularly with the cold metalic steel backgrounds we used. In full colour the images really don’t work as well.

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