
Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II Printer
Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II Printer

I’ve not owned a printer for nearly 10 years now. I used to have one. Two in fact. Both inkjet printers and both worked reasonably well, producing acceptable prints when I needed them. Mainly documents rather than full colour, continuous tone photographic prints though. Continue reading Printing »

Omar Mansoor Fashion Show at Runway Club

This was the last show in the Fashion Meets Music tour and the one that yielded the best images although the evening wasn’t withot a few technical hitches. Thanks are very definitely due to Ande from the Dilema Agency for all her hard work and efforts, not only thoughout the tour but especially for this event.

As one might ecpect with night clubs, the environment is dark and Runway was especially so as the next sequence of images show

Continue reading Omar Mansoor Fashion Show at Runway Club »

The Lady and the Tramp

Lady and the Tramp
Lady and the Tramp

The Lady and the Tramp was a really fun project to do. I can’t claim credit for the idea though, that must go to the lovely Leanna, the model in this image. The brief was to shoot two images, one with her dressed as a Lady and the other with her as a Tramp, then merge the two together in PhotoShop.

With a little thought, preparation and patience it’s actually very easy to achieve although we weren’t without our difficulties on the day. Most of them environmental funnily enough. Continue reading The Lady and the Tramp »

A Shot in the Dark…

A Shot in the Dark
A Shot in the Dark

I love working in low light conditions but the shoot I did a few days ago over at Greenwich really stretched me and my equipment to the limit. This wasn’t just low light, for the most part we had no light. If that wasn’t challenging enough, add the beautiful Dilsa wearing a black dress and black hat and you guessed it we have a serious issue to contend with.

Continue reading A Shot in the Dark… »

Backup, backup, backup… Part 3

Following on fom my previous posts here and here about in-field backup and in particular the solution I have opted for, today I had the opportunity of testing it out in anger.

As I write this post, I’ve just returned from a day shooting Big Cats in deepest, dakest Kent. And I really do mean “deepest” and “darkest” owing to the weather.

With freshly charged NiMH batteries, a stack of compactflash cards and two bodies I proceeded to put the device through its paces. After each shooting session I swapped the cards and backed them up onto the drive. It isn’t the fastest solution but it worked admirably, even when I went out for the final session of the day and had the unit backing up whilst in my pocket. The cards from the final shoot I backed up in the car during the journey home. It performed faultlessly throughout the day.

I did discover one unforeseen benefit of using this device, and that is the ease by which the images can be loaded into Lightroom. Plugging thebackup drive into the PC allowsall the images from the day to be imported and processed in one go rather than having to swap out the media cards.

This suits my workflow very well as I rely on the import processing capabilities of Lightroom quite heavily…

  • Copy the image to the local hard disk
  • Rename the image according to the shoot date and theme
  • Apply my standard metadata settings (e.g. copyright notice, contact details, global keywords etc)
  • Keywording withe client/shoot details
  • Apply capture presets
  • Backup to the NAS.

Getting back to the topic of this post, I would say that today has proved a great success. I’m still a little nervous of losing battery power but I can work around that and with two drives the risk if a total failure is somewhat mitigated.