SOPA and PIPA – What’s all the fuss about???

Earlier on today I was introduced to the terms SOPA and PIPA. They’re accronyms for two bills in the USA and are rapidly becomming very hot topics indeed. If you’ve not heard of them, there is more information here:

SOPA stands for “Stop On-line Piracy Act” and PIPA for “Protect Intellectual Property Act” and taken at face value both appear to be very good things to do. Especially in light of the fact that I myself have been the victim of on-line image theft through my main website last year but I’m not going to gripe about that here.

As far as I can tell most of the resentment stems from the implementation of what is proposed rather than the concept. The objetions are also gathering a lot of momentum amongst the internet community with some very large and popular sites holding blackouts by way of registering their protest. Will it have an impact? It’s still way too early to tell for certain but with headlines such as these the powers that be will surely have to take notice.

Google, Wikipedia Lead Protests of SOPA, PIPA Across Web

SOPA, PIPA lose support from lawmakers on Capitol Hill amid blackout

SOPA blackout: As Wikipedia goes dark for a day, #altwiki has answers

And that’s just from a quick Google search on the keywords PIPA and SOPA.

What’s my take on all this?

I think we’re in for an interesting and very long ride. Personally I agree with the protection of copyright and IP. The problem comes from how that protection is implemented and at what cost that protection is provided. Whether they’ve got it right or wrong depends on which side of the fence you’re sitting on.

My stance is really very simple:

We absolutely do need better protection but not at the cost of censorship or freedom of speech.


BTW, I’ve created a poll over on my Facebook Page. If you’d like to register your take on SOPA and PIPA, follow this link:

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