Very fortunate today to receive a lovely email from the SWPP informing me that my recent submission was sufficient for me to be given my Licentiate.
What does this mean? Quite simply, I can now put LSWPP after my name and now work towards becoming an associate member. The images will also be published in a future edition of Professional Image Maker.
Hit the jump to see larger versions of the images I submitted…
I’d also like to give special thanks to Princess Amayo (Pretty Flawless), Amazon, Herland, Jade, Marissa, Jenny, Mio, Ashley, Kerry (Dilema Agency), Overthrow Band, Jimi, The Drones, Alana (Dilema Agency), Helga (Dilema Agency) and Luke for making this possible.
BTW – I’ve just realised that these images are in chronological order so in some ways mark my progress through the craft.