Network Printing – Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II

Network Printing - Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II

Following on from yesterday’s post on printing I wanted to share my experiences about the challenges I faced configuring the Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II for network printing. The goal was to achieve the configuration in the sketch at the top of this post.

I had very naively thought that adding a printer to my netowrk would be simple. WRONG! There were in fact several issues to overcome, work around or solve. Hence this post.

I’m happy to say that I have networked this printer and can print to it from eiher a Windows box or my MacBook Pro over my wireless network. Continue reading Network Printing – Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II »


Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II Printer
Canon Pixma Pro9000 Mark II Printer

I’ve not owned a printer for nearly 10 years now. I used to have one. Two in fact. Both inkjet printers and both worked reasonably well, producing acceptable prints when I needed them. Mainly documents rather than full colour, continuous tone photographic prints though. Continue reading Printing »

Adding a little edge…?

I was asked to do a portfolio shoot for Helga (featured here) the other day, but to produce something a little edgier and with some striking black and white images. As to whether I achievedit or not, I’ll let you be the judge.

We were going to be working in a office over in Docklands, not too far from the Excell Centre, and thankfully we were also going to be inside. Given the extreme weather we have been having of late, this was very welcome.

After a quick scout around the building we settled on the breakout room on th groundfloor as our makeshift studio. It was nothing special, just a semi-large room with a few chairs a couple of tables and a pool table. This at first appeared to present a few possibilities as we were going to be doing lingerie but the biggest advantage was the empty room opposite we could use as an impromptu salon.

The problems to solve were that the white painted walls were not very interesting and full length shots were going to be difficult owing to the nasty grey carpet. This shoot was going to be controlled by the lighting if it was going to offer up any images of note. When we first started out, it had all the hallmarks of being an outright failure. Continue reading Adding a little edge…? »

Omar Mansoor Fashion Show at Runway Club

This was the last show in the Fashion Meets Music tour and the one that yielded the best images although the evening wasn’t withot a few technical hitches. Thanks are very definitely due to Ande from the Dilema Agency for all her hard work and efforts, not only thoughout the tour but especially for this event.

As one might ecpect with night clubs, the environment is dark and Runway was especially so as the next sequence of images show

Continue reading Omar Mansoor Fashion Show at Runway Club »

Funky Buddha kicked my backside

Working a nightclub fashion show was always going to be a challenge. Let’s face it, they’re not the sort of place that is renowned for brightly lit runways and clean white backgrounds. Quite the opposite in fact. The three I’ve worked in recently were dark. Very, very dark. When the show started, they all turned what little lights they had on way down.

E.g. The shot at the top of this page from the Agnes Valentine set at Funky Buddha was a full three stops darker during the show than the rehearsal (second image).
Continue reading Funky Buddha kicked my backside »