Advanced Lighting with Adam Duckworth

I met Adam Duckworth back in April 2009 when I took his course on Advanced Lighting Techniques, courtesy of theFlashCentre.

Advanced studio lightingTo be brutally honest, I was really nervous when I booked myself on the course, having virtually no studio lighting experience to speak of other than a day’s studio macro course and fiddling with my own studio lights. I have to say though that Adam was really great to spend the day with. I learned so much from that single event. Much, much more than I could have hoped for. I can certainly see why he has been awarded Editorial Photographer of the Year.Advanced studio lighting

It wasn’t just Adam either.

We had a great model for the day, the lovely Leah, and I learned nearly as much from her as I did from Adam himself. Between then they made a great team. The whole day was very relaxed and informal and totally charged with positive energy. I think I floated all the way home down the M6.

Adam and Leah between them were very instrumental in me deciding upon a career change and indeed the birth of this very blog.

Continue reading Advanced Lighting with Adam Duckworth »

The next steps…

The progress I’ve made to date has been great. If I had to predict where I wanted to be and compare this to where I feel I am I would say I’m a little ahead of schedule but there is still a very long way to go yet. Things are starting to pick up though and I’m not getting more enquiries. My conversion rate is still very low but that will change over time. Considering I have actually spent very little on marketing at the moment, about £80 in fact, I’m really pleased that things are starting to pick up already. Particularly as the advert I’ve placed in a local magazine hasn’t actually been published yet. So far, so good.

It doesn’t stop there though. This is merely the beginning. Continue reading The next steps… »

Wedding gallery now available…

I wanted to post a gallery from the wedding seminar earlier, but coming down with swine flu this week really scuppered all my plans 🙁 🙁 :-(. I’m starting to feel a lot better now so I spent an hour this evening making this.

Hope you like it. NB the image quality has been reduced to make the file sizes smaller and no sharpening applied yet. Some of the images would benefit from this extra boost. My excuse is I’m still not really with it owing to the piggy flu and I simply forgot to do it in LightRoom.

Ho hum,


A pause for thought…

I’ve been laid up for a few days with the worst cold/flu that I’ve had for years. I’m blaming it in the fact that I didn’t properly get over the last one and then  got very, very cold over at Bisham Abbey last week.

The time off has been extremely useful in helping me to consolidate my thoughts and plan for the future. The fundamental problem still remains: how to raise my public profile to the extent that I’m converting leads into clients? The answer is, as always, down to marketing. For that, the main weapon in my arsenal is

Continue reading A pause for thought… »