Skylanders – A fantastic, innovative idea

OK, so this post isn’t about phtography at all. It is about a really clever marketing idea though which just goes to prove that innovation isn’t dead. With a little latteral thinking, incredible things are possible.

My children came home from school the other day, raving about Skylanders. Not knowing what it was and given that my daughter’s birthday is just aroud the corner I thought I’d look it up to see what all the fuss was about. It’s a video game but takes the concept to a whole new level. As a marketing idea, it’s pure, undiluted brilliance. You buy the game and the kids can extend it with add on figures that unlock additional levels and features. I’m guessing that the figures must use some kind of rfid technology to read a code that’s unique to that figure and then download additional data from the interweb or the figure contains the data it needs. Which ever way they do it, it gives incredible potential and presumably longevity to the game. Creating something that is a “must have” on any child’s wish list is also the mark of genius.

Sheer brilliance…


Cameras don’t take pictures…

That really resonated with me. It’s the first half of a quote the other evening by Bambi Cantrell (amazing photographer, go check her out then come back and read this). I heard it yesterday evening but it’s the second half that holds the true meaning.

Cameras don’t take pictures. People take pictures. Click to Tweet

I think it goes a bit deeper than that though and here’s why… Continue reading Cameras don’t take pictures… »

SOPA and PIPA – What’s all the fuss about???

Earlier on today I was introduced to the terms SOPA and PIPA. They’re accronyms for two bills in the USA and are rapidly becomming very hot topics indeed. If you’ve not heard of them, there is more information here:

SOPA stands for “Stop On-line Piracy Act” and PIPA for “Protect Intellectual Property Act” and taken at face value both appear to be very good things to do. Especially in light of the fact that I myself have been the victim of on-line image theft through my main website last year but I’m not going to gripe about that here.

As far as I can tell most of the resentment stems from the implementation of what is proposed rather than the concept. The objetions are also gathering a lot of momentum amongst the internet community with some very large and popular sites holding blackouts by way of registering their protest. Will it have an impact? It’s still way too early to tell for certain but with headlines such as these Continue reading SOPA and PIPA – What’s all the fuss about??? »

Get your head fixed – first step to Personal Branding for Social Media

Social Media Head-shot Photography

The Social Media Head-shot…

It’s your profile picture.
It’s that little square of pixels you add to your profile

But what is it?
It’s your avatar
It’s your ambassador
It is your representative

In the world of social media your profile picture is you.
It travels around the web accompanying your comments and thoughts
It’s what other people interact with
It’s what other people see of you

Consider this…
…are you really a logo?
…are you really a camera-phone picture?
…are you really a person in front of their hedge? Continue reading Get your head fixed – first step to Personal Branding for Social Media »