How to use Auto Focus to make sharper images

Auto Focus gets it wrong

How to use Auto Focus to make sharper images…

Are you struggling to get sharp images with auto focus?

Do your images sometimes look soft or not quite in focus?

Does your camera sometimes focus on the wrong thing?

Auto focus is great but the way you use it makes a big, Big, BIG difference in the pictures you make.

In this article we’re going to look at how you can use your camera’s auto focus (AF) to make sharper images. We’re going to cover simple techniques to give you an immediate improvement in any situation; we’ll cover more advanced techniques for specific scenarios and we’ll look at how to configure the AF in your camera for best results.

AF points: one is enough!

As you look through the viewfinder of your camera, how many auto focus points does it have? All mine have 9 arranged as a diamond but yours may well have more. (Leave a comment and let me know together with which camera you have ;-))

When it comes to auto focus points, more is bad. Continue reading How to use Auto Focus to make sharper images »

Cameras don’t take pictures…

That really resonated with me. It’s the first half of a quote the other evening by Bambi Cantrell (amazing photographer, go check her out then come back and read this). I heard it yesterday evening but it’s the second half that holds the true meaning.

Cameras don’t take pictures. People take pictures. Click to Tweet

I think it goes a bit deeper than that though and here’s why… Continue reading Cameras don’t take pictures… »