On The Up – Website Traffic Hits 1000 Visitors a Month

Analytics screenshot - gavinthorn.com
Analytics screenshot of http://gavinthorn.com

This week saw another landmark milestone for my main photography website, http://gavinthorn.com, that of achieving over 1,000 visitors to the site in a rolling one month window, as measured by Google Analytics. That’s absolutely staggering for a small site, designed and built by me with my QTSoftware hat on, that only went live on January 2nd 2011.

Over a thousand visitors! I still cannot believe it.

Furthermore, the traffic is still increasing and long may it continue to do so.

So, where is it all coming from? Continue reading On The Up – Website Traffic Hits 1000 Visitors a Month »

Stepping up a gear…


With my recent decision to start building the business side of the business I’m going to be attending a big networking event on Friday next week. That needs cards and this isn’t really the audience for my portrait or wedding cards. So, I need some new ones.

Designed these (see images above) over the last couple of days and after a lot of playing around with text and graphics, finally settled on somehing I like. It isn’t perfect but at least I’m happy with the layout.

Just placed the order and hopefully they should arrive in time for Friday’s event.

New wedding package announced…

Been a bit quiet around here of late, so much so that I had to move the tumbleweed out in order to get to the “New Post” button. There was a reson for this though – I’ve been way too busy of late with photoshoots, the David Hobby “Strobist” seminar and of course putting together a new wedding package.

The latter of course being the subject of this post :-). All the details can be found after the jump but as a front-page teaser, I’ve been figuring out how I can give an iPad away to my clients.

Continue reading New wedding package announced… »

Taking stock of things

Funny business is the stock industry, and by that I mean photographic stock and not the city markets. The role of the stock library is very simple. Its a repository of images that a picture buyer can search to find and buy images for their projects. They supply an enormous range of clients and picture needs from newspapers to advertising to cards and calendars. Every time you flick through a book or a newspaper, or see an advert, card or calendar you’ll probably find the images they use were actually purchased from a stock library rather than being commissioned for the job. That isn’t true in every case but you’d be surprised how common and prolific it is.

If you’re interested in finding out a little more about this field, read on.

Continue reading Taking stock of things »

Advertising in action

It always gives me a pleasant feeling when I see one of my adverts in the wild. I stumbled across the photographyblog.com this evening when trying to check up on someone’s references. Lo and behold, this popped up when I later read one of their articles about marketing.

QTWeddings - Telling your story

The downside is that this appeared on a website targetted at photographers who aren’t necessarily looking for someone to shoot their wedding. I know it’s appearing on other sites though so it isn’t all bad. I’ll review it shortly to ensure that I am appearing on more female centric sites too.