Warning – PodCasts can seriously lighten your wallet

I’m listening to the latest podcast 79 by CameraDojo, and they’re doing a grea review of the latest products by Adobe: Lightroom 3 and Photoshop CS5. Trouble is, they’re making them so appealing I’m now hesitant to check them out. I just know that if I do I’ll want to upgrade. I’ll probably need a new laptop/pc too so if I do upgrade I’ll be looking at probably a £2,500+ investment.

Think Mrs LightMatters might not like that 😉

UPDATE – I caved. I had a quick peek at the upgrade price on the Adobe site. I wish I hadn’t as I’m now working out how many images I need to sell to cover it.

BTW – Great podcast. Keep up the good work.

Martial arts

Something I’ve wanted to shoot for a while now is Maartial Arts.

I love the speed, energy and discipline of this sport and although I’m not fit enough or young enough now to give it a try I’d love the opportunity to shoot it.

The biggest challenge for this type of image is getting access to an authentic setting. If anyone is willing to work with me on something like this and knows where we can shoot it, please let me know.

Notting Hill Beauty Shoot


Here is a selection of images taken during a recent beauty and make-up shoot over at Notting Hill.

It was a very busy day. Four great models and 2 MUAs. Three changes of outfit/looks for the models. Three shooting locations: my portable studio, low light and soft, natural light. And all this within just one basement flat.

I think that is why I love doing this – I can turn up at a location I’ve never seen before with a plan and the kit to make it work. Very often the location will throw up many more opportunities than I would have imagined. Take the low light images in this set for example. When I saw the hallway with it’s black and gold walls, the shaded wall lamps and the picture mirror I knew instantly I would get some really great shots. It pushed me to the limits of my equipment but nevertheless, it performed admirably. For the techies, most of the low light work was taken hand-held at ISO1600, f2.8 at about 1/30 to 1/15. Continue reading Notting Hill Beauty Shoot »

Photoshoot: Fashion in the City

Some of you may have seen my sneak peek post a few days ago from the “Fashion in the City” shoot I did on the 20th February. We were really lucky with the weather that day, it being the only day we saw the sun in February. The result was a really bright, cloudy day with some warmth in the colour and the air.

This was a group shoot I joined through Model Mayhem. It was a really great day and we had four models and a make-up artist on hand. All four models were fantastic but for me, the star of the day was definitely the Maria the MUA. She did a fantastic job of the make-up and the calm, relaxed way she went about creating each look meant that the models were all fired up and stress free for their shoot. Special thanks should also go to Ian Howard for arranging the event. It was without a doubt the best group shoot I’ve been on.

Here are some of my favourite images from the day…


Continue reading Photoshoot: Fashion in the City »

Fashion in the City – a sneak preview…

NOTE – The images in this post are virtually straight off the camera with little or no post processing and are therefore not necessarily representative of the finished article.

Had a fantastic shoot this afternoon and got to try out some off-camera flash techniques that I’d been itching to have a go at for a while now.

Here is a sneak preview of some of the images. None of them have had any post processing work apart from a very light adjustment in Lightroom. The images themselves were all shot with a mixture of on-camera and off-camera flash: on-camera fill set relatively low and two off-camera side lights, one each side and slightly behind the subject pointing forwards. The overall effect is similar to the one perfected by Joel Grimes and gives a great look to the images. The harsh, 3D lighting really makes them “pop”. A quick lightroom adjustment for white balance, black level, vibrance, clarity and contrast helps bring them along a little further. Can’t wait to get them through photoshop.

The first image in this set, featuring the model Jade, shows how the two side lights were positioned. This was taken on the Milenium Bridge and was backlit by a very bright sky. There are actually two exposures going on here: flash and ambient. The flash exposure is controlled by the flash power, aperture and the duration of the flash burst. The ambient is controlled by the aperture and the shutter speed. Dialing up the flash power (i.e. adding more light from the flash) requires the aperture to be reduced which in turn will reduce the exposure of the ambient.  For this shot, the flash was dialed up above the ambient to under expose and therefore allow for a richer saturation of the sky whilst simultaneously reducing the brightness of the clouds. The smaller aperture also adds the starburst effect from the two flash guns. If you don’t believe me, try it. Continue reading Fashion in the City – a sneak preview… »