The Castle Bride

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege or working on a bridal portfolio shoot with a fantastic model, Helene, and her fiancée, Jo. We also had a brilliant and very talented MUA, Louise of Faceinate, on hand too.

We were to be shooting at Guildford Castle, early on a Saturday morning and although is was bitterly cold, thankfully we weren’t to be plagued by the rain or snow of recent weeks. It was very overcast too with nothing but cloud cover overhead making for very soft, diffused light and although it was quite a dull day there was still plenty of light to work with. This when combined with a typical grey January day meant for a reduced colour pallette: mainly very muted greys, greens and browns to work with. Continue reading The Castle Bride »

Fantasy Makeover Photoshoot

2009-12-12 Angels Faces-1045-2Had one of my most difficult photoshoots ever yesterday. And that’s saying something!!

I was doing a fantasy fashion shoot for an up and coming but very talented MUA. We had three amazing models, three photographers and a great creative director. With a team like that one could assume the shoot would be a walk in the park. Sadly it wasn’t to be. 2009-12-12 Angels Faces-1090-2

The deck was well and truly stacked against us: freezing cold weather, lack of time, extremely bad light, chased by security guards, abuse from passers by, drunks, druggies, a really rough neighbourhood and extremely cold weather. Nevertheless, it pays to be optimistic and yesterday was a huge learning experience. To be honest, if its going to go wrong its better if it all goes wrong on one shoot rather than piecemeal on lots. If you get my drift 😉

2009-12-12 Angels Faces-1068-2So to sum up: a really hard day that yielded some truly great images.

Was it worthwhile? Yes. This shoot was organised by the MUA and I’ve not arranged anything of this magnitude yet. That made it an invaluable lesson on setting up and co-ordinating. We had a lot of things go wrong but it doesn’t matter. The important thing is the main objective: to create great images.

Would I do it all again? Definitely, but I’d do things a little differently now.

DISCLAIMER: The images I’ve added to this page are preview quality only. They are intended to give a taste of what the shoot achieved. They’ve had about 30 seconds worth of editing on them in Lightroom and haven’t yet been through photoshop. The finals will be quite different.

Model: Carolyn Tan

Advanced Lighting with Adam Duckworth

I met Adam Duckworth back in April 2009 when I took his course on Advanced Lighting Techniques, courtesy of theFlashCentre.

Advanced studio lightingTo be brutally honest, I was really nervous when I booked myself on the course, having virtually no studio lighting experience to speak of other than a day’s studio macro course and fiddling with my own studio lights. I have to say though that Adam was really great to spend the day with. I learned so much from that single event. Much, much more than I could have hoped for. I can certainly see why he has been awarded Editorial Photographer of the Year.Advanced studio lighting

It wasn’t just Adam either.

We had a great model for the day, the lovely Leah, and I learned nearly as much from her as I did from Adam himself. Between then they made a great team. The whole day was very relaxed and informal and totally charged with positive energy. I think I floated all the way home down the M6.

Adam and Leah between them were very instrumental in me deciding upon a career change and indeed the birth of this very blog.

Continue reading Advanced Lighting with Adam Duckworth »

David Hobby – aka Mr. Strobist

Yet another inspirational photographer is David Hobby, made famous by his amazing use of speedlights for off camera flash. David isn’t just a great photographer he’s also started a huge following, me included. I love the concept of taking my 580ex and setting it up on a light stand for a shoot. This has given me an ultra-lightweight lighting setup that is quick and easy to use on location.