Favourite PodCasts: LensWork

LensWork is totally and radically different from any other photography podcast I listen to. For starters, each episode is short, often only 5 minutes or less in duration. They’re packed with thought provoking material though. Indeed, I find them more like a photographer’s thought of the day. Brooks Jensen, the host, certainly makes the listener think.

Interestingly enough though, despite this being one of the first podcasts I started to listen to, it only just dawned on me to look at the website today when looking up the page to link to. I’ll be having a nose around there more frequently from now on I think.

Favourite PodCasts: Martin Bailey Photography PodCast

The Martin Bailey Photography Podcast is another new one for me. I’ve just downloaded all the MP3s to my mobile and now have 224 episodes to listen to. Wow. That will take some time to go through.

This series focuses more on the imagery than the tech. which is exactly what I’m looking for. However, I’m only up to eposide 7 so have a very long way to go before I’ve listened to them all and fully appreciate that the theme and content may change over time.

Favourite PodCasts: Jeff Curtos Camera Position

Jeff Curtos Camera Position is a new podcast for me but the few episodes I’ve listened to so far have been really interesting. They focus more on the artistic side of photography and I find this very refreshing as most of the other podcasts I listen to have a large technical content to them. Nothing wrong with that but I want to listen to other material and experience other perspectives too. Camera Position goes a long way towards quenching that thirst. I want ot learn and imrpove in all facets of my photography. Some of this is the equipment, therminology and how to use it. Some of it is, fine art and composition and what goes into a good photograph. Camera Position is a podcast that allows me to explore the latter and I think its just great 🙂

I now have 72 episodes loaded onto my Nokia 5800 mobile phone and will be listening to them over the next few days/weeks.

Favourite PodCasts: The Candid Frame

The Candid Frame is subtly different from most of the other photography podcasts that I listen to. It is hosted by a gentleman called Ibarionex Perello who, if he hadn’t chosen a career as a photographer could have made a fortune in voiceovers.

This is another podcast series that I’ve followed avidly throughout 2009 and have worked my way through Ibarionex’s entire back catalogue. Again it is full of some fascinating material that to merely have read about would not have conveyed the passion or dedication of the interviewee. Ibarionex talks to a lot of his guests about their journey through their careers from when they first started out to the present day.

I absolutely love this podcast and can’t wait for each month’s episode to be published.

Ibarionex – if you ever read this, your podcast is a true inspiration and full of enlightenment. Keep up the good work.

Favourite PodCasts: ProPhotoShow

ProPhotoShow is a really cool podcast, hosted by Gavin Seim and can be found here: http://www.prophotoshow.net

It has a strong bias towards wedding photography but does cover other topics and genres as well. I find them fun, informative and inspirational and have worked my way through their entire back catalogue this year, picking up some great tips along the way.