Favourite Podcasts: Camera Dojo

I’m working my way through the CameraDojo podcast series at the moment and I’m so far up to episode 63 out of 69. Weighing in at just over an hour an episode that is a big time imvestment but for me it is worth it. Besides its a great way of whiling away the hours I spend each week on public transport. As with most of the podcasts I listen to this one is lighthearted and upbeat and they have some great guests on to interview.

The show itself is hosted by Kerry Garrison and David Esquire. They work really well as a team and this definitely adds to the charm and the humour. I’ve yet to work my way through all the articles on their website, http://cameradojo.com, but the ones I have read have been extremely good. Well worth checking out if you have a few minutes to spare.

Favourite Podcasts: LightSource

LightSource is a great podcast for anyone thinking about getting into studio lighting or wishing to improve/learn new techniques. The show can be found on the http://www.studiolighting.net/ website and is hosted by Bill Crawford and Ed Hidden.

During my daily commute I’ve worked my way through their entire back catalogue of shows and picked up a lot of information in the process.

Keep up the good work guys.

The true genius of Mark Robert Halper

I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts this year and one photographer that they have introduced me to is a gentleman by the name of Mark Robert Halper. If you haven’t heard of him before or come across his work, it is definitely worth popping over to his website to have a quick look. (BTW – Can’t show any of his images here as I don’t have permission but they’re easy enough to see if you go to his website).

For me, the man is a true genius and this is very evident simply by looking at the depth of each of his images. What I like about the podcasts I’ve been listening to is the way he discusses each shot in detail and the care and attention to detail that has gone into each one. One is easily fooled upon a first glance to mistake a lot of his work for pure happenstance such is his skill and ability to control it.

I would urge anyone serious about their craft to take a look at his work and other like him with a view to seeing what can be achieved by simply pushing oneself a bit harder each time.

You never know, one day he may run some of his workshops here in the UK and that would definitely be money well spent.

To hear Mark Robert Halper talk about his work, check out the podcasts over at CameraDojo here and LightSource here and here.

The inspiring work of Joel Grimes

I recently came across Joel Grimes whilst listening to a LightSource podcast produced by studiolighting.net

Its well worth listening to the podcast and visiting Joel’s site too. His work is truly inspirational and he has some absolutely stunning results. What is even more incredible is the fact that he shares a lot of information about how to do this on his website through the articles and tutorials he has posted on his blog.

Continue reading The inspiring work of Joel Grimes »