To create something different…

…you need to try something different. Obvious when you think about it, isn’t it?

For a while now I’ve been wanting to create a different look for some of my images, particularly when I’ve been working with models. It is often very easy to get carried away with the moment and just fall back on the usual routine. Nothing wrong with that, but if you want a different look, you need to break with tradition and push yourself beyond the comfort zone.

When I took the wedding seminar course back in October last year they really pushed me to try something new. “Forget the flash” they said, “you won’t need it. Shoot wide open and push the ISO.” I tried it and got some great shots in almost low light. Noise aside, the images all appeared a little on the soft side. Nothing wrong with that, particularly for wedding shots as a softer image works well here. I think so anyway. This won’t work for all occasions though as was very evident on the fashion shoot last weekend. To get a more edgy, gritty look to the images I had to try something different. Quite different in fact.

This felt very uncomfortable at first but with a little practice it became second nature and very easy to set up. The images were great and had a very different look and feel to the wedding shots. Crisper, grittier and edgier.

Am I glad I stepped outisde of the box to try something new? You bet I am.

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