
I’ve been feeling the need to get some more great portfolio shots lately, particularly as the wedding course is rapidly approaching. Only about 3 weeks away now.

In particular I want to try a few ideas out and do a little experimenting and generally try some stuff out that I can’t really do with a client. After all, they want a safe, specific type of image that may not really find a home on the front page of my website. Shame really as this is the stuff that is great fun for me to shoot and the sitter to pose for.

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New advertising artwork

Just finished the artwork for my first real advertising campaign. Not sure how it will ultimately turn out so any comments welcome.

This first one is the artwork for a local family magazine. I’m looking to place a small advert in the next edition that is due to be published in November. The artwork presented an interesting design challenge because at 1/16th of an A4 page, it is only 45mm wide by 60mm tall. Not much real estate to work with and ensure that the text is readable. The design itself is based on the larger 8×6 flyer artwork below. Unfortunately I had to drop my email address from the artwork in favour of the phone number.

Family Grapevine Advertisement
Family Grapevine Advertisement

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Market Madness

I’ve been doing a lot of research into marketing recently and it’s really a fascinating and very deep topic. Much more so than I had previously thought. In fact, I’m slowly changing my whole mindset on marketing and considering it now as a science rather than an art. [Ed. There is an argument here that the marketing people actually want this perception so have gone out to create it, but I’m not going there in this post :o) ]

What my research has done though is to get me thinking more about about the overall impact of my sites rather then their look. Everyone I’ve spoken to so far has said something along the lines of “Wow, that is really cool”. Therein lies the problem Continue reading Market Madness »