GTP launches new Boudoir Photography service in Surrey

April 2015 was a very important month. It marks the fourth anniversary of me starting Gavin Thorn Photography here in Guildford, Surrey. It also marks the month I chose to launch my new boudoir photography service, HerBoudoirDreams™.

Boudoir photography is a natural extension to the beauty, makeover and fashion shoots I’ve undertaken over the last few years. Whilst this has previously been a page on my main site I took the decision a few months ago to separate it out and build a site dedicated to my boudoir photography work in Surrey. The original page generated enough business to warrant this but it was struggling: one page just wasn’t doing it any justice. It needed more airtime, more space to breathe.

Another reason to justify a completely separate, dedicated site was my main site leaked. Visitors would come have a look around and leave, probably frightened off by some of the other ages and images they saw. After all, my main site features a lot of models from my work in the fashion industry. Real women don’t really look like that. They’re, we’ll, real. The models we use on fashion shoots have spent a lot of time in hair and make-up, have a lot of camera experience and their images have a lot of retouch and airbrushing. My point is that the images on my main site weren’t typical of a real client and I needed to show my local boudoir clients here in Surrey images they could identify with. BUT, I didn’t want to lose my other clients. Therein lies the problem: my main site was trying to ‘speak’ to two different types of client and that will never work.

A new site, one dedicated to boudoir photography, specifically boudoir photography in Surrey, was the solution and HerBoudoirDreams™ was born.

I’d really love to hear your thoughts so if you get a minute to pop over and have a peep, feel free to leave a comment here and let me know how I can improve it.

Have fun,

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