Another Shot in the Dark…

Night life
Night life

I don’t often quote the parameters for my images but I will in this case: ISO6400, 0.5s@f11, handheld. That’s probably about the limit of what I can reasonably achieve wiht the 5DmkII. Nevertheless the image was very noisey and won’t reproduce at much over 12″x8″

So, what was I thinking when I set this shot up? Continue reading Another Shot in the Dark… »

A Shot in the Dark…

A Shot in the Dark
A Shot in the Dark

I love working in low light conditions but the shoot I did a few days ago over at Greenwich really stretched me and my equipment to the limit. This wasn’t just low light, for the most part we had no light. If that wasn’t challenging enough, add the beautiful Dilsa wearing a black dress and black hat and you guessed it we have a serious issue to contend with.

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Abi, Sunset

Last weekend I was fortunate and privileged enough to have the chance to attend the London OneLight workshop by Zack Arias. It was a fantastic day albeit very, very intense running from 9.30am right through to 1.00am the following day. It’s not often one gets the chance to spend a day in the company of a world class photographer at the top of his game so if you ever get the chance, don’t think about it twice just do it.

The image above of the lovely Abi was taken a few minutes after sunset in the middle of an industrial estate. She was lit by a single Speedlight (SB80 IIRC) firing into a 28″ Westcott Apollo softbox.

Vintage Fashion

VIntage Fashion Shoot, Crystal Palace

This was a great shoot I did a few days ago. The theme was vintage and futuristic fasion with an autumnal theme. We were very fortunate to have the shoot styled by visual merchandisers from Mango and Zara.

We had four amazing models, Marion, Samar, Livvie and Kamara (left to right in the group shot shown here) and although the day was bitterly cold they pulled off some really great shots.

Continue reading Vintage Fashion »

The War of Art…

…definitely not to be confused with the “Art of War” this book by Stephen Pressfield has to be a “must read” for anyone thinking of stepping into the dizzy realms of creativity or even starting one’s own entrepreneurial venture. I bought it because several well respected photographers recommended it and I’m very glad I did. Continue reading The War of Art… »