Yesterday I bought a different colour shirt…

…because I want today to be different. Because I want to feel different today. Because I want to behave differently today.

Today is the day I’ve decided to set aside to focus on WHAT I will achieve over the forthcoming months.

Today is the day I’ve decided to set aside to focus on WHERE I want to go.

Today is the day I’ve decided to set aside to focus on WHEN I want to do it by.

Why today? What’s so special about today? Because…

Today is Now and Now is the Right Time

If I don’t act now I probably never will. I need drive forwards to effect different results. I’m not going to get different results if I don’t do something differently. It’s a bit like the question I get asked time and time again…

“I upgraded to the same camera that you use so why do my pictures look just like the ones I used to get from the old one?”

The answer is really very simple: they are using the new camera in exactly the same way as they used the old one. There was nothing wrong with the old one. If they had changed the way they worked they would ahve had a different result and saved themselves a lot of money too. It’s not about the equipment but about how we use it that makes the difference.

It’s the same in business too. Unfortunately it took me a long time and a chance conversation with a magician from Devon to realise this.

To survive in business I know I need to make changes. To carry on as I am will simply not be enough. The only way to achieve those changes will be to do something different but this isn’t about camera or lighting techniques. It isn’t about a new whizzy piece of kit that I can wave in front of a client and nail a killer shot. It’s about behaving differently to drive towards the new goals on the next phase of my journey. It’s going to be a fun ride too and I’m really looking forwards to it.

Bon voyage,


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