Favourite PodCasts: ProPhotoShow

ProPhotoShow is a really cool podcast, hosted by Gavin Seim and can be found here: http://www.prophotoshow.net

It has a strong bias towards wedding photography but does cover other topics and genres as well. I find them fun, informative and inspirational and have worked my way through their entire back catalogue this year, picking up some great tips along the way.

Favourite Podcasts: Camera Dojo

I’m working my way through the CameraDojo podcast series at the moment and I’m so far up to episode 63 out of 69. Weighing in at just over an hour an episode that is a big time imvestment but for me it is worth it. Besides its a great way of whiling away the hours I spend each week on public transport. As with most of the podcasts I listen to this one is lighthearted and upbeat and they have some great guests on to interview.

The show itself is hosted by Kerry Garrison and David Esquire. They work really well as a team and this definitely adds to the charm and the humour. I’ve yet to work my way through all the articles on their website, http://cameradojo.com, but the ones I have read have been extremely good. Well worth checking out if you have a few minutes to spare.

Favourite Podcasts: LightSource

LightSource is a great podcast for anyone thinking about getting into studio lighting or wishing to improve/learn new techniques. The show can be found on the http://www.studiolighting.net/ website and is hosted by Bill Crawford and Ed Hidden.

During my daily commute I’ve worked my way through their entire back catalogue of shows and picked up a lot of information in the process.

Keep up the good work guys.