Instant feedback on a client’s preferences…

In an earlier post about my business cards I mentioned one of the reasons that I have six designs – to get immediate feedback about the style of images that the Bride and Groom like. i.e. to understand their preferences. The other day I tried this out in earnest when visiting a prospective client and I believe it actually works…Whilst I was packing my samples away I spread a range of cards out, at random on the table in from of the couple and encouraged them both to take one. Working on the assumption that they will always choose a card that they find pleasing, the choice that each makes will let me know what kind or style of imagery they prefer. Simple as that.

I’m not going to elaborate on which ones they each chose but I will say that following our discussion about their requirements there were no surprises.

I’d recommend this to others to try too.

Best regards,

1 thought on “Instant feedback on a client’s preferences…

  1. […] is consistent with the look and feel of all my marketing material. I chose the image based on the instant feedback I’ve received when handing out my business cards. This is the one that most of my female […]

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